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Are you interested in becoming a mentee?

Becoming a mentee allows you, as a middle to high school student within Osceola County gain the necessary support needed to achieve the next level in your academics and social development. Becoming a mentee helps you step into God’s purpose for you. Remember, your current circumstances do not define where you are going; only your decisions do. Let us at Trinity Mentorship Program help you get there.

the story behind trinity mentorship program

At 21, my mother told me in a telephone conversation that when she was 18 years old and pregnant with me, she found herself sleeping on her friend’s floor.  When someone came to visit and saw her on the floor, she felt ashamed because she was homeless.  My mother said she remembered praying over the baby inside her because she felt alone and worried about her child.  My mother left this earth over four years ago without ever fulfilling her purpose. With a different life experience could she have fulfilled her dream of becoming a nurse?  There are
many homeless youths with similar stories, but what remains constant is their loss of hope to achieve beyond their circumstances.


Maslow’s theory highlights self-actualization as the highest point in the theory of needs; however, many homeless students never get to that peak because they spend their lives fighting to find security and become stuck in a cycle that was created by their parents. 


Through the implementation of Trinity Mentorship Program, the aim is to help homeless students see God's vision for their lives become a reality. This non-profit organization which is set on the principles of helping each youth find their purpose. The program will not limit its focus on the students who excel academically, averaging a 2.5–3.0 GPA or above.  Rather, this organization will help students who are falling behind by giving them the academic and social support they need to improve and become college, university, or trade school candidates.

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